This is my first test board for mcu PIC16F84, PIC16F628, ATmega8515, ATmega162, ATtiny25, ATtiny45, ATtiny85, ATtiny13.
Board including peripheral:
- Power supply 5V (LM7805) with led and switch on/off;
- External removable common crystal resonator with capacitors;
- Socket DIP40 for ATmel ATmega, socket DIP8 for ATmel ATtiny, socket DIP18 for Microchip;
- External ports 5 qty. for ATmel mega series, 1 qty. for ATmel tiny series and 2 qty. for Microchip;
- External common RESET push button;
- Buzzer;
- 8 LEDs with port.
- 8 push buttons with port.
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